pseudo-beauty therapy or the future of the beauty industry?

Jun 07, 2023
whole skin method by jem
pseudo-beauty therapy or the future of the beauty industry?

beauty isn't found in skincare products, "beauty is the product of becoming whole." this statement holds a profound truth that goes beyond the surface level perception of beauty. 

while skincare products certainly have their role in enhancing and maintaining the health of our skin, true beauty embodiment goes far beyond what can be applied topically. it is an inner radiance that emanates from a place of wholeness and well-being.

when we say "becoming whole," we refer to nurturing all aspects of our being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. a multi-dimensional whole. beauty, in its truest sense, is the result of aligning these elements and finding harmony within ourselves. the skin is an emotional organ. 

physical beauty is undeniably influenced by genetics and external factors, but its true power lies in how we embrace and care for ourselves holistically. it's about embracing our unique features, quirks, and imperfections with love and acceptance. freedom to exist without judgement and absorption of another's point of view. a sense of knowing and living one's truth. and the journey to reclaiming the knowing, that becomes the gift. 

the journey towards wholeness encompasses self-care practices that nourish and nurture our bodies back into our truest essence. it involves adopting a balanced and nourishing diet, engaging in regular movement, and prioritizing restful sleep. by honouring our physical well-being, we lay the foundation for a radiant and healthy appearance.

equally important is nurturing our mental and emotional well-being. when we prioritize true, courageous self-love, self-compassion, and inner peace, it positively impacts our overall aura; the energetic being that speaks on your behalf. cultivating a positive mindset, managing stress, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment contribute to our inner beauty radiance.

beauty is also intertwined with our spiritual growth and connection. it is about finding purpose, cultivating gratitude, and fostering a deep sense of connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us. when we nurture our spirituality, it reflects in our outer radiance.

skincare products play a supporting role in this journey, aiding us in maintaining and enhancing our skin's health; allowing for our innate skintelligence to active not suffocate. however, skincare products should be seen as tools rather than the sole source of beauty. relentless social media selling, over spending on marketing efforts from skin care brands and influencer sales tactics have equally contributed to the death of beauty standards we now witness taking shape.   

ultimately, when we focus on becoming whole—nurturing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being—we tap into a wellspring of beauty that transcends the limitations of external appearance. this holistic approach allows our true radiance to shine through, revealing a beauty that is authentic, vibrant, and everlasting. setting you free in your skin; it's is just your soul-shell after all, reflecting the radiance of each cell and it's energy house (mitochondria) and how it works in conjunction (dis)harmoniously with each part of you. 

so let us remember that while skincare products, machines and tools can be helpful allies, the true path to beauty lies within. embrace your journey towards wholeness, and watch as your inner beauty transforms the world around you.


xoxo - em


curious about embodying this sovereignty, being supported on a journey of true beauty liberation + freedom? do you desire a new beauty formula?  join us inside the whole skin method community or book your intuitive skin coaching session here.